At least one night while we're in HH, we go down to the harbour/marina
and watch the "Shannon Tanner Show". This guy has been doing a sing-a-long/kid's show for
over 20 years in HH. After he sings a few songs, he chooses a few kids to sing their favorite song. This year Aden was convinced that he would be picked! He had practiced all day long, while I tried to prepare him that not everyone would be chosen. But, he WAS going to sing!!
So, the show starts and Aden had made his way to the very front, right at the feet of Mr. Shannon, raising his little hand as high as it would go each time! So, he picked a few kids here and there, but not Aden. I was so sad...he had his little heart set on it! He got to the end of the show and sang his "closing" song. Even after that song, Aden was still in his face with that little hand raised. I was heart-broken. Then I looked up and heard Mr. Shannon say "hi there." The next thing I know, I hear "what's your name?" And loud and clear over the microphone I heard "Aden". He then told the crowd that Aden said "just one more song" and of course he couldn't tell him no! Then I hear so loud "Jesus loves me He who died..." I couldn't even hardly see him for the tears in my eyes! Robert was videoing and my dad ran down front to make the pictures that you see! I think we were all crying before it was over!! Across the crowd I was hearing everyone say, ooohhh! Needless to say, that was a WONDERFUL ending to a WONDERFUL week!! I wouldn't take anything for that sweet little video!! :)
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